Waterline tile -Since the normal water level is usually midway on the tile, a 6 inch band of waterline tile provides a smooth non porous surface at the water level for cleaning reasons. We recommend nominal 6"x6" tiles (less grout joints) as opposed to mosaics or multiple rows of smaller tiles - (more grout joints).
Coping -Usually brick, stone, pre-cast concrete or poured in place concrete. The coping should be physically separated from the rest of the pool "field" decking to prevent damage to the pool when the field decking moves due to frost, thermal expansion, etc. This physical separation "joint" should be caulked to prevent debris from entering the joint and becoming compacted, thus rendering the joint useless.
Steps with trim tile -Typical corner steps with a bench along one side. It is recommended that "trim tile" be installed near the edges of the steps for visual reference and safety.
Coping -Usually brick, stone, pre-cast concrete or poured in place concrete. The coping should be physically separated from the rest of the pool "field" decking to prevent damage to the pool when the field decking moves due to frost, thermal expansion, etc. This physical separation "joint" should be caulked to prevent debris from entering the joint and becoming compacted, thus rendering the joint useless.
Steps with trim tile -Typical corner steps with a bench along one side. It is recommended that "trim tile" be installed near the edges of the steps for visual reference and safety.

Circulation pump -The pump should be sized to the volume of water in the pool. In other words, it should have the ability of pumping the equivalent volume of water, held in the pool, in 6 hours or so. Keep in mind that pump horsepower has little or no value here, but rather actual energy consumption and the ability to perform.
Piping -The piping which the pump will use to transfer the water from the pool through the filter and back to the pool should be sized to the pump. Distance and the number of bends should be considered. If not sized correctly, the pump could realize some pre-mature wear, and at the least will not perform efficiently. Schedule 40 PVC plastic piping or better should be the material of choice. Also, the piping must be pressure tested prior to backfilling any trenches.
Filter -The filter should be sized to the pump. We recommend a sand filter with exotic medias (sand is replaced with zeolites or recycled glass). Other types of filters are Diatomaceous Earth and Cartridge. Each type has it's place, but sand is not as messy, is easy to clean and that's a bonus.
Piping -The piping which the pump will use to transfer the water from the pool through the filter and back to the pool should be sized to the pump. Distance and the number of bends should be considered. If not sized correctly, the pump could realize some pre-mature wear, and at the least will not perform efficiently. Schedule 40 PVC plastic piping or better should be the material of choice. Also, the piping must be pressure tested prior to backfilling any trenches.
Filter -The filter should be sized to the pump. We recommend a sand filter with exotic medias (sand is replaced with zeolites or recycled glass). Other types of filters are Diatomaceous Earth and Cartridge. Each type has it's place, but sand is not as messy, is easy to clean and that's a bonus.